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CB&P Annual Lab Staff Meeting
March 13th | 11:30 AM | McDonnell Sciences, room 423
CBP/MCB Work-in-Progress (WIP) Seminar: Changfeng Chen (Humphreys Lab)
Friday, March 15th | 4:00 PM | McDonnell Sciences, room 423
Installation of Ben Major, PhD as the Alan A. and Edith L. Wolff Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology
Tuesday, March 12th | 4:30 PM | Neuroscience Research Building, auditorium
Seminar Series: Marko Jovanovic, PhD
Tuesday, March 19th | 1:00 PM | McDonnell Sciences, room 423
Social Hour Hosted by the He Lab
Friday, March 8th | 4:00 PM | South Medical Building, 4th floor breakroom