Paul H. Schlesinger, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Cell Biology & Physiology
- Phone: 314-362-2223
- Email: pschlesinger@nospam.wustl.edu
Research Interests
We study several areas that focus on cell membrane function. This includes activation, and in-membrane dynamics of BCl-2 family proteins, the critical arbiters of cell death in humans, pore forming antimicrobial peptides, membrane repair, perflurocarbon nano-delivery systems, malaria parasite host/cell interactions. Recently we have initated a project on collagen mineralization during bone formation and repair in humans.
Professional Education
- BS: University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, 1966, Chemistry
- MD: University of Chicago, 1970, Medicine
- PhD: University of Chicago, 1973, Biochemistry
- Postdoc: Washington University in St. Louis, 1974-1977, Physiology