Jansen Lab

South Building (MS: 8228-0003-04)

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Actin Cytoskeleton | Single Molecule TIRF Microscopy | Intracellular Trafficking | Cell Migration and Adhesion | Bone Mineralization

The Jansen lab addresses this question by studying how actin filaments are assembled and remodeled by posttranslational modification of actin monomers themselves as well as by the extensive family of actin-binding proteins, including Coronins, Plastins and Tropomyosins. Each of these protein families contribute to a wide range of diseases, including cancer, immunodeficiency, cardiovascular disorders, spinal muscular atrophy, and neurological defects, emphasizing their wide impact on cellular homeostasis and function through regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. To connect the molecular mechanisms with the cellular and pathophysiological roles of these actin-binding proteins, we are using a multipronged approach encompassing single molecule and microfluidics-assisted multi-wavelength TIRF microscopy, biochemical and biophysical assays, genetics, advanced co-culture systems, optogenetics and live-cell imaging.